Commercial Pilot Certificate get!!! TAIWAN I’m back W69-71 (06/19 ~ 07.08)

In your presence In Your presence there is freedom In Your presence there is hope In Your presence there is healing Love restores me, I am whole No matter how far I run You are with me No matter how far I fall Your love is everlasting Your kindness never ends God You never leave…

長途越野飛行 Long XC 驚魂/ 觀光週 W64-65 (05/14 ~ 05/27)

Holy Spirit  … I’ve tasted and seen of the sweetest of loves Where my heart becomes free and my shame is undone Your presence, Lord Holy Spirit, You are welcome here Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for To be overcome by Your presence, Lord…

貢獻 Andres 1000 小時里程碑,得到餐點一份! W63 (05/07 ~ 05/13)

O Come O Come Emmanuel Matt Maher … Rejoice, again, I say, rejoice For unto us is born the Savior of the world Take heart, oh weary soul, take heart For help is on its way And Holy is His name 這週有好多件值得開心事情發生 : ) Event 1: Super Soft Touchdown on C172 一是為了更多建立我在 C172 的 Landing…

德州新宿舍入厝、C172 及 雙引擎 Piper Seminole 首航 W62 (04/30 ~ 05/06)

Revelation Song … Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty Who was and is and is to come With all creation I sing praise to the King of kings You are my everything and I will adore You, I will adore You 飛行紀錄從這一篇 W62 開始,其實都是回憶錄了。 原因是甚麼呢? 且讓我娓娓道來。 此行來到德州的目標很明確,就是要在 2 個月的時間把 30 hrs 的雙引擎時數飛完,另外加上…

THE END OF STORY Of Mazzei Flying Service… W57 (03/26 ~ 04/01)

Here I am to Worship … Here I am to worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that You?re my God   You’re altogether lovely Altogether worthy Altogether wonderful to me   I’ll never know how much it cost To see my sin upon that cross … 一段出國學飛故事,實在很難想像會在接近終點前這樣發展.在 Mazzei 學飛的日子,就在上週跟…

Stage3, EOC passed, Instrument rating (IR) achieved !!! W55-56 (03/12 ~ 03/25)

Closer … Pull me a little closer Take me a little deeper I want to know Your heart I want to know Your heart `Cause Your love is so much sweeter Than anything I’ve tasted I want to know Your heart I want to know Your heart … 感謝讚美神,歷經了 4 個多月的折騰,我終於拿到來美國受訓二個重要的證照考試了.很多人都會問我說「你去美國要拿幾張證照回來?」,我通常都會回答 3 張,但正確來說,其實是兩張:一張是私人飛行執照 (Private…

IR Stage 2 passed, keep moving!! W53-54 (02/26 ~ 03/11)

奇妙的愛 祂所做一切  是多麼奇妙 祂所給我的愛  我無法解釋 我只知道我曾失喪 今被尋回  曾瞎眼今卻看見  每當我想到這一切 就充滿感謝 奇妙的愛 奇妙的愛 奇妙的愛 奇妙的愛 當週記的週數來到 53 時,真的蠻有壓力的,代表一年過去了,現在才剛過 IR 一半而已.好在這週終於把 Stage 2 考過了,而且是一次過,最近考 Stage 2 的沒有一個像我這樣順利,要不就是模擬機出問題、不然就是飛實機輸了一些亂子,變成要再飛 review,然後再等考試.等考試真的是很折騰人啊~感謝主我可以持續進行我 Stage 3 的課程! 除了 W53 考試以外,在考 Stage 2 前已經開始跟準備飛 Multi 的同學一起上地面課程了.拖了 3 個月的 IR,該唸的書也唸得差不多了,現在跟進度前面的同學們一起上課,一起 share Ground 的費用我想是明智的選擇.週五考完試後,backseat Multi flight lesson,整個熱血沸騰了起來,希望自己可以趕快進到這個階段,能夠再接觸到更高階、性能更好的飛機感覺還蠻棒的,有更多操控的技巧需要熟練、雙引擎飛機的性能、引擎失效的處置、Aerodynamics 跟單引擎的飛機會有蠻大的差異,在未來的兩三個月可要好好掌握才行! W53 週末兩天很快地把 Stage 3 兩個 Cross-country 課程搞定了,因為跟到了新教官,而換教官這件事是我努力爭取了一個多月取得的小小成果.我的新教官叫 Andres,…

Finally IR Stage 2 送考試… W52 (02/19 ~ 02/25)

Unbroken Praise … My surrender, my devotion Be Yours, be Yours forevermore Be Yours, be Yours forevermore   Unbroken praise be Yours, God, forever All my praise be Yours, God, forever Lord, take this life Let it become Your throne Unbroken praise be Yours … W52 的禮拜六夜晚,我應該永遠不會忘記飛完這一堂 review 後,如釋重負的心情,應該算是飛行訓練開始至今,最令我鬆口氣的一堂.因為飛完後自己知道,真的該送考試了,我真的飛得不差! 感謝主,從前任教官 Sheevi 離開到新教官 Artem 接手,在這個 Stage…